Valuation of residential properties

Please note that only charted surveyors and registered Valuers can provide you with formal Valuation Reports in Accordance with the RICS Valuation Standards – Global and UK. We are charted surveyors and our registered Valuer has substantial experience of valuing residential property, having worked for two of the largest residential surveying companies in the UK. If you are buying a property and obtaining a mortgage then your lender will arrange a mortgage valuation report for you. However, if you are paying cash for a property and are not seeking a mortgage you may wish to commission a valuation report to ensure that the purchase price is reasonable and that any significant problems with the property are identified before you legally commit to purchase it.

Valuations are also required for matrimonial and joint ownership disputes, for capital gains tax purposes, and probate, as well as in situations where surveyors have incorrectly valued a property and a second opinion is required. Alternatively, you may be selling a property and wish to establish its value before putting it on the market. If you want other more detailed surveys such as a Homebuyers report or a building Survey, which are much more comprehensive surveys then please check out what these involve under ‘Building Surveys of residential and commercial properties’. We do not provide valuations for commercial property but we do have associate surveyors who can help you with this and we shall be happy to put you in touch with them.

If you need help with any of the above then please do not hesitate to Contact us.